String Me Along; Caring for String Succulents

String Me Along; Caring for String Succulents
String Me Along; Caring for String Succulents

String succulents are growing more and more popular! It seems like every Instagram plant influencer has shelves covered with adorable stringy succs and Pinterest boards are full of these draping darlings. Here’s what you need to know before scooping up your own! 

What is a string succulent? These bbs are exactly like their name! A succulent that grows its leaves in strings or chains. String bbs look adorable in hanging planters and make a bold statement in an indoor vertical garden. While the species can vary, string succulents hold many similar characteristics, like green fleshy leaves and pendant stems. 

Typically, the string of succulent varieties requires similar care. You will see their differences when it comes to the appearance, stems and leaves, texture, color, size, and blooms. Some bbs have pendant stems that stand upright, whereas others have beautifully droopy stems. The stems of these succs are created by either multiplying rows of leaves or leaves forming a vine. 

Check out these 6 popular string of succulent varieties, and how to care for them:

1. String of Pearls, Curio Rowleyanus 

Native to the drier parts of southwest Africa, these bbs get their name from the cute little leaves that are the size and shape of small pearls. During the summer, look out for small white to nearly white brush-like blooms. 

These bbs like partial shade if outdoors and bright direct light when indoors. Avoid the afternoon sun in the summer. They will grow in full shade, but the plant will look leggy. The string of pearls is drought tolerant, but should never be left without water for too long. If the leaves start to lose their rounded shape, it’s time for a drink! Reduce watering in the winter months. 

2. String of Bananas, Curio Radicans

These fast-growing bbs are South African natives. They grow multiple tendrils of glossy, banana-shaped leaves. The string of bananas will usually grow cinnamon-scented white flowers in late winter or early spring. These bbs are typically an easy succ to care for, perfect for beginner succulent lovers! 

Just like the string of pearls, they like partial shade when outdoors and bright direct sunlight when they are indoors. Water regularly during the growing season and always allow the soil to completely dry out in between waterings. Reduce watering frequency in the winter. 

3. String of Dolphins, Senecio ‘Hippogriff’

This adorable bb is a rare succulent with little leaves that look like tiny dolphins jumping through the water. As the plant matures, the “dolphins” become more similar and blooms into a great statement plant. Typically this succ will grow blooms in the fall that look like small white blossoms and smell like cinnamon. 

The string of dolphins can tolerate periods of dryness, but require moist soil to prevent the dolphin leaves from withering. Select a pot that is slightly larger than the plant and has a drainage hole. These bbs prefer a slightly crowded pot. They are a bit picky about their care and thrive in bright indirect light. During their growing season, water about once a week and once a month in the winter. 

4. Rosary Vine, Ceropegia Linearis

These succs also go by the name “String of Hearts” and have long trailing stems that have adorable little heart-shaped gray-patterned leaves. With extra sunlight exposure, the leaves can develop a deep green color, with insufficient light the leaves will look pale green. Flowers can appear in late summer to early fall. 

Rosary vines like to grow in clay pots with drainage holes with gritty compost. During the warmer months, they like water and a little fertilizer. This variety of string succulents is drought tolerant. They naturally can grow and climb bushes, giving them shade. It is best to plant the rosary vine on the compost’s surface, allowing its beautiful vines to twine around the hanging planter or trail down. 

5. String of Turtles, Peperomia Prostrata

A Brazil native, the string of turtles is a slow-growing vine plant. This bb has slow-growing vines and delicate leaves. String of turtles are great for container gardens and terrariums. Leaves can vary from dark green to purple and have a beautiful pattern of white veins. This plant may grow cream-colored flowers on long stems. 

The string of turtles is an easier succ to grow, its small size and cute little leaves make it perfect for on top of a coffee table or desk. They are very sensitive to overwatering, but enjoy a steadily moist soil. If you overwater your string of turtles it may wilt or develop scap-like marks on its leaves. If you notice a massive leaf drop, it is likely due to a drop in temperature or fertilizing problem. These bbs are also susceptible to mealybugs, so keep an eye out for these pests! 

6. String of Buttons, Crassula Perforata

This bb is native to South Africa and grows relatively fast. It is a sprawling succulent and at first, grows straight up towards the sky. Over time, the stems fall over and lay on the soil. Its cute leaves are triangular with a grey-green color. When they bloom, the string of buttons will grow white to pale yellow star-shaped flowers during spring. 

This bb prefers full sun to partial shade, but the intense afternoon sun in the summer can cause the leaves to burn. Ideally, the plant should be in a spot with morning sun and afternoon shade. When placed outside, find a spot that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. Make sure to not overwater this bb, always allow the soil to completely dry before watering again. Reduce watering in the winter. 

7. Donkey’s Tail, Sedum Morganianum E. Walther

This gorgeous bb begins growing straight up towards the sky and then the stems droop down to create the viney affect. Its stems are covered with blue-green leaves that are are shaped like little tear drops. The stems can grow up to 3 feet long and with the leaves can be .3 in in diameter. This beautiful succ can grow pinkish-purple to red-purple flowers in the spring. 

You’ll want to give your donkey’s tail at least 6 hours of full sun per day. Although most can tolerate in partial shade, your plant will not #thrive. They do not like sitting in wet soil, so a pot with a drainage hole and gritty well-draining soil is recommended. These bbs are drought tolerant, but need some water. Always allow water to completely dry out in between waterings. 
Show your string succulents some love! Send us a picture of your bbs on insta @SucStu for a chance to be featured on our page.

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